How To Make A Guy Jealous? 5 Ways To Make Him Want You Badly


Okay, so if you’re in the game of wanting to make a particular guy jealous; there are likely three plausible reasons for that. 

Let’s see if I’m getting warm…

A lot of guys just need a little reminder of the kind of woman they’re dealing with and you’re about to serve him just that!

And this is how you’re going to do that. Browse through these incredible ideas and find those that work best with your plan and current situation.

Do exactly as you’re instructed and you’ll be getting yours in no time! And if you don’t, at least you’ll know the guy is honestly not worth the bother.

You win either way! Now let’s get cracking.

1. Look like a million bucks

What’s the best way to make any guy jealous? By looking like a freaking goddess!

And that’s exactly what you’re going to do. And the best part? You’re going to FEEL like the queen of the world while doing what you intended—making him jealous to the bone.

This is all about you. Indulge in some retail therapy; pick up your best friend and have some fun while recharging your batteries and spending time together!

While you’re shopping, getting a new haircut and splurging with your girl, you’ll forget all about that guy’s name, I promise!

At least for a minute and that counts for something, right? 

Added bonus—take a male friend with you and make sure to crack a selfie and post it on social media if you feel like it.

That will certainly get his blood pumping, especially if he doesn’t even know the guy.

So basically, you’ll be investing in yourself, feeling like a goddess in the process, spending quality time with a friend and all that while making your man jealous.

It truly doesn’t get better (or easier) than that.

2. Have a girls’ night and celebrate life

For one second, forget all about trying to make him jealous. This is going to do the trick but it’s also vital that you have some fun and pamper yourself!

Get your girls and organize a girls’ night. Buy copious amounts of wine and start the party at your place.

Get ready together while blasting Beyonce and sipping rosé. Talk, laugh, dance and enjoy spending time with each other because you deserve it!

If he calls or sends you a text message, just let him know you’re not available because you’re too busy having the time of your life with the girls!

He’s going to lose his mind wondering where you are and who you’re with and you’ll be having way too much fun to give a shit.

Take a selfie (or a dozen) and make memories with your best girls.

Remember that they are the ones standing by your side through your ordeal and that’s why it’s important to never lose sight of their vital role in your life. 

Sure, you’ll make him jealous but you’ll also be reminded of how amazing and supportive your friend circle is.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

Here's Something Special For You…

Many Women Want to Make Their Man Feel Loved

But a woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.

​How do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?

​To dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.

It explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.

After watching this video, many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s self-esteem.

​And even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to invest in the relationship.

Click below now to discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.

Don’t Forget To Watch This Special Video

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

3. Impress his guy friends

But don’t go out of your way in doing so. Whenever you’re around his guy friends (or accidentally run into them), act as if bumping into them was the most amazing casual collision of the day!

Be chatty but listen, ask about how they’re doing (without asking about the guy) and share a few genuine laughs if the situation feels appropriate.

And when his friends tell him about how awesome it was seeing you (and how fantastic you looked), he’s going to feel jealous whether he likes it or not.

Make sure you’ve left the best impression on them while being your best self and you’ll have made a great thing out of an accidental meeting.

Guys care about what their other guy friends think, especially about chicks! That’s just how they’re wired.

And when he hears his guys chatting all about how rad it was seeing you the other day, he’ll start wondering why he let you go in the first place (or why he hasn’t made a move yet if it’s a crush in question).

4. Have fun with your guy friends

You’re probably going to run into him now and then, especially if you run in the same crew.

The next time you’re at a party and you’re with your guy friends, make sure he sees you.

And then, turn up the heat a bit. Flirt, flaunt what your mama gave you and laugh like they’re the funniest dudes you’ve ever met.

He needs to see you having a blast with other guys. That shit makes them jealous faster than you can snap your fingers.

You’re laughing, hugging and being your flirty self with other guys, are you kidding me? He won’t be able to stand that shit.

So use that against him. You’ll be completely innocent in the whole story and he’ll be all over you, making sure that HE’S the one making you laugh and he’s the one you’re flirting your ass off for.

If this is your boyfriend and you’re trying to teach him a lesson, consider it a lesson learned for him.

And if it’s a crush whose attention you’re trying to catch, job well done.

Now the ball is in his court and you’ll finally see if he’s man enough to handle your wants and needs.

5. Be unavailable (no answering texts or calls)

I know that the first thing you’ll want to do when you see his name light up your screen will be answering right away. But that would be a grave mistake.

You need to let him know that you don’t depend on him. You’re a self-made woman who is perfectly capable of being by herself if that’s what needs to happen. 

He can call you or text you but you have to be unavailable for a bit to let him realize you’re not here to jump at his request.

Make him sweat. Make him see he’s not all that! And when you finally decide to pick up the phone and answer him, act as if it’s the most normal thing ever.

And when you meet up, don’t even mention it and if he does, totally brush it off. You were busy, you didn’t see your phone or your girl was around. He’ll get the picture.

If he keeps taking you for granted, you’ll keep reciprocating. He won’t like it one bit and the tables will turn in no time.

Don’t Forget To Watch This Special Video



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