5 Signs Of A Loveless Marriage And 3 Powerful Ways To Cope

The sad fact is that many couples deny that they’re stuck in an unhappy, loveless marriage, even though deep down, they are fully aware of their situation.

They stay together for financial reasons or their children or for some other very wrong reasons.

Even though it’s normal to recognize other benefits of your marriage such as the fact that it’s good for your kids or financially comfortable, none of that makes sense if you and your partner no longer love each other (or never even did).

You may think that it’s better for your kids if you stay married but the thing is that they’ll feel that something isn’t okay.

It’ll be worse for them to watch both of their parents unhappy every day or to listen to your fights and disagreements often.

Signs of a loveless marriage

According to one of the most famous marriage and relationship researchers, John Gottman, there are ‘four horsemen’ that can harm every marriage, which are criticismdefensivenessstonewalling and contempt.

We’ll talk about all four of them below but there are some more clear red flags that can indicate that you aren’t just experiencing some rough patches but that you’re instead actually stuck in a loveless, unhappy marriage.

The distance between you is more than obvious

You are aware that there is an emotional distance between you and that it’s getting bigger and bigger.

You just hope that your significant other will realize it too and act in time to save your marriage.

You don’t communicate more like you used to, you don’t spend any quality time together and you stopped expressing your feelings toward each other a long time ago.

You can simply feel that you’re growing apart.

You aren’t sure if your partner loves you anymore

You can’t even remember the last time when your partner said that they loved you.

Maybe you tried a few times to talk to them about it but they avoided it or said that you’re exaggerating or imagining it.

This is only because they still love you as a person and don’t want to hurt your feelings by admitting the truth.

If you have any doubts about their feelings, it’s probably because they gave you a reason to do so and you’re probably right.

Try to express your feelings to them and wait for their response.

If they leave you without one or if they only smile politely, your doubts are justified.

You went from being best friends to almost total strangers

Your spouse has to be your best friend first, then your romantic partner.

If you feel like you’ve become just two roommates or total strangers, that’s not a healthy marriage.

If you aren’t comfortable about opening up to your partner or going to them first when you have any problems, there is definitely something wrong in your relationship.

You need to find the cause of your disconnection and then work on that to make your marriage work again.

Breakdown in communication

Good and healthy communication is an essential building block for a successful relationship.

If there is a lack of communication in your relationship, that’s probably the root cause of all of your problems.

Your partner needs to be there for you always, no matter how busy their schedule is.

If you have any problems or issues, you have to be able to tell them and find a solution together.

Unhealthy communication always leads to an unhealthy relationship.

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Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

Lack of intimacy

Intimacy is a very important part of every healthy relationship.

It builds a deeper connection between you and it also helps in building trust.

Even though it shouldn’t be the main part of your relationship, a lack of intimacy can bring many problems to your marriage.

No matter how long you have been married, the spark should never leave your bedroom.

If you aren’t pleased with your love life, you should talk about it to your partner and together find a way to spice things up.

How to survive a loveless marriage

Of course, all marriages must go through some crises and all couples must endure some issues in their relationships.

If you both think that you are just going through a rough patch and really want to save your marriage, of course, it is possible.

You both just need to put some effort in and you’ll make your relationship healthy again.

It’s indeed possible to fall in love with your spouse again. Continue reading below for some advice on staying in a loveless marriage.

Ask yourself if your marriage is really worth saving

This is the first thing you have to do once you realize that you are dealing with this problem.

You have to ask yourself whether your marriage is something worth saving and you have to remember all the good stuff but also the bad and compare them.

It is very important that you are aware of all the good things your marriage has brought you and all the bad things that you had to deal with since you realized you were stuck in an unhappy marriage.

If the bad things and negative feelings are more present and overwhelming, then stop for a minute and think about how much your effort is really worth.

Recognize your issues

Go back and try to remember when your marriage started to fall apart.

Was it the time when you had some family issues or financial troubles or was it over something else?

Maybe you didn’t like the way your partner dealt with a certain problem, so you started to wonder if he had been like this all along but you didn’t see it or if he is revealing his true face just now.

Try to find the moment when your feelings toward your partner started to change, or his toward you.

Only this way will you be able to truly resolve all your problems and eventually start to love your significant other again.

Give it time and be patient

Nothing in this life comes easily, especially if it is something as great as love.

Love is something you have to take care of; you build it slowly and don’t rush anything.

Be patient and if you and your partner are truly willing to make things work then you both most certainly will.

To make the marriage work again, it is not important just to say that you want it, you have to let time heal some wounds.

If you don’t think that you can work out your issues by yourselves, you can always make an appointment with a marriage counselor and save your marriage with professional help.

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