6 Signs Of An Unhappy Marriage (And How To Fix It)

What are the warning signs of an unhappy marriage and what are the ways to fix it?

Marriage is, without a doubt, one of the most complex things to maintain and keep the spark alive, especially after a certain amount of time.

It’s hard to tell for sure how you get there but you know that you’re in an unhappy marriage when the only positive thing about it is a collection of old happy times you had together.

You recall all those sweet moments of your romantic relationship when you hugged and kissed each other with passion,  when you enjoyed every second spent together, when you made an effort, respected and appreciated each other—when things were just right. 

And when you compare it with today’s situation, it’s an entirely different world where you feel like you no longer know each other and that you’re in a marriage with a stranger. 

There’s no real physical affection, you notice a lack of intimacy and you feel like you’re stuck in a rut.

You realize that from being in a healthy relationship, you probably entered the zone of an unhappy and loveless marriage and you have no idea what you’re supposed to do next.

But you’re not really sure of it or you don’t want to be sure of it because the last thing you need in your life is dealing with all those red flags of a bad marriage. 

You don’t want to be the only one who is going out of their way to make your marriage work but that’s exactly what you need to do (or at least try to do) if you want to get through this rough patch and prevent an eventual separation, aka going your separate ways. 

So, staying in an unhappy marriage will only prolong your pain and seriously influence the quality of your lives and your well-being.

The wisest thing to do is either decide to save your marriage by dealing with all the relationship problems and finding the root of it or break up for good.

As with other things, the first step to establishing a healthy and happy marriage is acknowledging that you have a problem.

That is why it is of the utmost importance that you check the following telltale signs of an unhappy marriage which will tell you whether your marriage needs fixing in the first place! 

If any of the following signs speak the truth, there’s no need to freak out because below you will find the ways which will help you fix your marriage. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’.


Lack of intimacy and physical affection

One of the first and often biggest signs of an unhappy marriage is a lack of intimacy or any kind of physical affection.

This includes having sex, hugging, kissing and cuddling. And many people in an unhappy marriage are not even aware of it because over time, a lack of intimacy and physical affection becomes routine.

So, the first step to understanding whether this is happening to you is by comparing the current situation with the initial stages of your marriage, when your love was at its peak.

When you compare it, do you notice a visible lack of attention, warmth and affection today? 

If yes, I’m sorry to tell you but this is a major sign of an unhappy marriage because a lack of intimacy and affection are a basis for every healthy relationship and healthy marriage.

It’s the first sign screaming that something’s drastically changed and it needs fixing!

You no longer enjoy spending time together

Another clear sign of an unhappy marriage is the fact that you no longer enjoy spending time together.

This one is closely connected with the previous one and it’s the main reason why there’s a lack of intimacy and connection in marriage. 

You know you’re in a loveless and unhappy marriage when you’re constantly alone, doing your own thing on social media or similar and vice versa.

‘Together activities’ no longer exist because you don’t feel that joy when with each other like before.

Your spouse has literally become a stranger whose company you no longer enjoy because of all of that accumulation of negative emotions, arguing and disrespect.

When that happens, it’s totally normal that you will want to stay separated for as long as possible but a happy marriage doesn’t really function that way. 

Lack of meaningful and open communication

Just like intimacy and spending quality time together, meaningful and open communication is also the foundation of a solid and happy marriage.

Why? Because communication means expressing your wishes, desires, appreciation and understanding. 

And when all of that is gone, all that is left is silence, stonewalling or the exchange of a few meaningless words just for the sake of maintaining basic communication.

So, if you can’t remember the last time you and your spouse looked each other deeply in the eyes and had a session of meaningful and open communication, you have a problem.

When something happens at your work or with your friends or family (be it good or bad) and your spouse is not the first person to whom you would go and share it, it means that your connection has disappeared into thin air and your marriage is no longer stable. 

You’re constantly criticizing each other

Occasional arguments are totally normal in every marriage and actually desirable because it is always better to get rid of the negativity than to keep holding grudges and ignoring each other.

But the problem arises when these conflicts and criticizing each other become routine. 

It means that there is a huge gap between the spouses and all of their energy is directed to the negative.

Constantly criticizing each other basically means that you’re constantly telling each other that you’re doing everything wrong, that you’re not worthy and that you don’t accept each other for who you really are.

Criticism arises from a huge amount of dissatisfaction with yourself and the quality of your marriage because being constantly irritated by your partner’s actions means subtly asking for changes but in the wrong way.

It’s your subconscious telling you that something’s wrong but you’re not quite sure what exactly.

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Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

You’re avoiding each other

Even though this one’s similar to the above sign ‘You no longer enjoy spending time together’, still there’s a significant difference between the two.

Not enjoying time together means that it comes naturally to you to spend your time with your friends, family and others who are not your spouse.

But avoiding each other means deliberately doing everything in your power to prevent seeing your spouse, let alone spending some quality time together as a couple.

This includes constant lying about staying late at work, changing your route just to avoid seeing or picking up your spouse or constantly having someone at your place just to avoid spending alone time with your partner.

Avoidance stems from all the negativities in marriage because after some time, couples associate spending time with their partner as something unpleasant that will probably turn into a fight or an argument and that is why they choose to keep it from happening by avoiding each other.

You feel lonely and hurt

The majority of people in unhappy marriages have a tendency to blame other things and everyone around them for the state they’re in.

They connect the feelings of loneliness and hurt with their work and other issues that have nothing to do with the real source of their misery.

If you’re constantly feeling lonely and hurt, the real source of your misery could be being in an unhappy marriage but mostly we’re preoccupied with other things that bother us and that’s the main reason why we tend to mistake the real root of our unhappiness. 

If the rest of the signs speak the truth, then you can be sure that you’re feeling lonely and hurt because your marriage is making you feel that way.


If you’ve just realized that you’re marriage is a resemblance of unhappiness, guilt, trust issues, disrespect and, ultimately, pain, there is no need to instantly abandon it and discard the option of fixing it instead.

Of course, this depends on you and your partner and your mutual willingness to save your marriage and fight for your love. 

When you’re both ready to make big changes in your life and restore the initial spark of your love, here are 5 ways that will help you on your journey to saving your marriage:

Communicate with each other

Communicate, communicate and communicate some more. Communication is the basis of every healthy relationship and without it, people wouldn’t be able to function properly.

If your communication pattern is severely damaged, first try by prolonging your small talk and turning it into meaningful sessions. 

Another step is making a list of the issues that need to be talked about and dealt with.

Both of you need to write some issues that you noticed in your relationship and talk about them face-to-face, with understanding, compassion and respect.

After you’ve addressed the issues, the next step is proposing possible solutions that will solve them.

Take a break from each other

If you’re still having difficulties communicating with each other no matter what you have tried, maybe it’s time to take a break from each other for a while.

This will let you think about your marriage more clearly and it will help you understand what is really going on. 

Taking a break from each other means taking some time to question the important things and work on yourself as well and after you’ve reunited again, you will have a chance to apply it to your marriage as well.

Make decisions cooperatively

When something’s bothering you and when it’s obvious that you don’t agree on certain matters, it’s important to learn to make decisions cooperatively instead of pushing your own agenda and deciding for both of you. 

You need to learn to express your concerns in a healthy way and always be specific about the reasons for your worrying and similar.

Once you learn to make decisions cooperatively instead of competitively, you will notice significant improvements and your marriage will flourish.

Smile more, touch more and hug more

Smile even when nothing’s really funny, just for the sake of creating positive vibes in your marriage. Use the power of subtle touch and hug whenever you have a chance.

All of these will wake up the warmth that’s been sleeping for some time and the more you practice it, the more you’ll feel closer to each other.

Final Thoughts

Being in an unhappy marriage can seriously damage both your mental and physical health and that is why it is important to notice all of the above signs of an unhappy marriage in time so that you can prevent any further damage.

The first step is acknowledging that you have a problem, accepting it and dealing with it.

If you think that your initial affection is still there and all it needs is a little wake-up call, you should definitely fight for what you have but only if both of you are willing to make an effort and fight for your marriage reciprocally.

“What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are but how you deal with incompatibility.” – Leo Tolstoy

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