10 Sure Signs He Wants To Marry You Someday

If you’re looking for signs he wants to marry you someday and you’re not really sure if he sees you as his future wife, you’ll find the answers to your questions (and more) below!

When you really love a man, all you can think about is your future together. You hope the two of you will end up married and you can’t wait for him to finally pop the question.

But although everything seems perfect, he has never told you straight that he wants you to be his future wife.

That is when you start thinking of the following and similar questions: Is he scared of marriage? Does he need more time to pop the question? Does he really love me?

You can’t be sure if he thinks about asking for your hand in marriage and you can’t seem to read between the lines. Why are relationships so complex? Why are men so mysterious and confusing?

Well, maybe they aren’t. If you want to know if he sees you as his future wife, all you need to do is look for the SIGNS but not just any signs.

Here are 10 clear signs that a man will display if he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and if he wants to marry you someday!

Obvious Signs He Wants To Marry You Someday

He makes you a part of his life

If a man truly loves you, trusts you, and appreciates you, he’ll make you a part of his life. He will also want you to be a part of his major life decisions.

This means that you will always know everything about him—you’ll know what he’s been up to, what his plans are, what is bothering him, etc.

If he plans on marrying you, he won’t go through life like a single bachelor and he will make sure you always feel included.

He introduces you to his friends and family

One of the most important signs he wants to marry you someday is the fact that this guy has introduced you to his family and friends.

This is a big step in every relationship and it’s (probably) only a matter of time when he will start looking for engagement rings.

He thinks of you as a huge part of his life and wants all the people important to him to get to know you as well. It is important to him that you get along with all of them, because those are the people he loves besides you.

He invites you to all of his family events and to hang out with his friends because he hopes you’ll form a connection with them. It’s evident that he sees you as marriage material.

With time, his family members and close friends have started seeing the two of you as an item and they assume you’ll end up together.

Besides, he is interested in spending time with your friends and family and he wants to get to know them better too, because he considers them to be a part of who you are.

This man tries really hard to impress them and for them to like him and this is a great sign of his future plans with you.

He hopes that all of you will become one BIG family someday and he knows it is important for all of you to get along well.

He talks about the future

Planning things ahead is an important part of every serious relationship. One of the sure signs he wants to marry you someday is the fact that he sees a future with you and includes you in his future plans.

He doesn’t have to necessarily talk directly about marrying you but he will imply that he plans to stick around for a long time.

This guy uses the word ‘we’ instead of ‘me’ when talking about the future because he sees you two as a team and as partners.

He simply can’t imagine living his life without you by his side and he doesn’t have any short or long-term plans that don’t include you. This indicates that he’s in for the long haul (and that should include marriage as well).

He simply assumes that the two of you will spend weekends and important holidays together, because he doesn’t plan on letting you go from his life.

He remembers the little things

If a man hopes you’ll become his wife one day, he will want to get to know the real you. This means that this guy pays attention to you and everything you have to say.

Therefore, he will never forget your birthday or anniversary or any other date or thing that you find relevant.

He considers you to be one of the most important people in his life, and therefore everything concerning you is important to him as well.

This man will notice the slightest change in your appearance and behavior.

He will always notice when you’ve done something with your hair, your new outfit, when you’re feeling off, or when you’re super cheerful.

He will also notice your weird food cravings and mood swings during PMS as well and he won’t run away to his man cave but he will be there to comfort you. That’s how you know that he’s a real man, girl!

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

Here's Something Special For You…

Many Women Want to Make Their Man Feel Loved

But a woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.

​How do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?

​To dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.

It explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.

After watching this video, many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s self-esteem.

​And even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to invest in the relationship.

Click below now to discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

He asks for your opinion

Men are known to have fragile egos, which makes them claim that they are always right. But if your boyfriend asks for your opinion (especially when he needs to make an important decision), it means he values it.

And not only that—he values you as a person, he thinks your attitudes are good and he doesn’t mind taking any advice from you.

This man obviously plans on marrying you, so he wants to see where you stand regarding different subjects. He also wants to know your preferences, dislikes, coping mechanisms. He wants to know what inspires you and how you deal with problems.

He hopes that the two of you will spend the rest of your lives together, so he knows that there will be numerous common decisions you two will be making.

He is comfortable showing his vulnerable side

If he’s comfortable showing his vulnerable side in front of you, this is a clear sign he trusts you completely. We all know that men are extremely sensitive about protecting their masculinity and appearing vulnerable in front of others.

So, if he doesn’t have problems being vulnerable in front of you, it means he sees you as his best friend, lover, and his confidante!

He sees you as his special woman who knows how to comfort him, who doesn’t judge him and who makes him feel free to be who he really is.

Indeed, if you ask any relationship expert about the importance of communication, they will accentuate vulnerability as one of the most important aspects of bonding.

Trust me, there isn’t a single man in the world who would marry a woman with whom they don’t feel comfortable letting down their guard and showing their vulnerable side. If he doesn’t have any problems with that, then you know he sees you as his future wife.

He is protective

It is in every man’s nature to protect the woman he loves. It’s the same with your boyfriend. He doesn’t think of you as just his girlfriend but also as his family and he considers it is his duty to make sure you are okay.

This man thinks of you as his partner and he doesn’t plan on allowing anything bad to happen to you. In a way, he already acts like a husband.

It doesn’t mean that he thinks you can’t take care of yourself, he just wants you to know that he has your back, no matter what. If you need help with a certain task, you can count on him! If the whole world is against you, he will stand by your side.

He will defend you against everything and everyone and will never do anything harmful to you and those are signs that you are a huge part of his life and that he wants for it to stay this way for a long time.

He takes special care of you

When a man truly loves you and wants a future with you, he will take care of you and your needs. That means that he will be worried about your physical health, as well as about your emotions.

This guy will never think of your problems as foolish. Instead, he will always try hard to help you resolve them. If you tell him that something or someone is bothering you, he will instantly jump into problem-solving mode.

It will be important to him whether you’ve eaten, had enough sleep, if there is something bothering you and if you have everything you need.

Besides, he’d never do anything that could make you feel sad, because your happiness is crucial to him. That’s how you know that he sees you as a priority (and his future wife as well).

He enjoys spending time with you

When you end up marrying someone, it means that the two of you will be spending a lot of time together, for the rest of your lives.

Now imagine spending the rest of your life with someone who is ultimately boring and uninspiring. This doesn’t sound very inviting, right?

Therefore, if your boyfriend enjoys spending his free time with you and it looks like you never bore him, it is definitely one of the signs he wants to marry you someday.

It is probable that the two of you enjoy similar things in life, so it is not a problem for him to make compromises in your relationship with activities and places to visit.

This man obviously finds you interesting and wants to know everything about you and it means he won’t have trouble being with you forever.

He knows that even staring at the ceiling with you will be a fun activity because he’s head over heels in love with you.

He shares everything with you

Usually, men don’t like sharing their personal details with just about anyone. But it is different when it comes to the woman they plan on spending their life with.

This guy is very certain that you are the one, so he doesn’t have any trouble opening up to you and reaching this level of closeness with you.

You know everything about his past and he doesn’t hide anything from you.

You know this man’s deepest fears, hopes and dreams and he certainly wouldn’t reveal that much about himself to someone who he didn’t plan on keeping in his life.

This man obviously sees you two as an item and he doesn’t have to pretend to be someone he is not just so you would like him more.

He is certain of your love and knows that you love him for who he really is and he isn’t scared to show you his true colors.

He hopes that there will come a time when the two of you will share a life together, so he thinks pretending and lying at this point wouldn’t make any sense, because his true face would be revealed sometime soon anyway.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’re familiar with all the signs he wants to marry you someday, I hope you’re at ease. If you’re not, don’t worry much about it. What matters is that the two of you truly care about each other and that you’re in love.

“Timing is everything. If it’s meant to happen it will. At the right time. At the right place. For the right reasons.” – Unknown

Here's Something Special For You…

Many Women Want to Make Their Man Feel Loved

But a woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.

​How do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?

​To dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.

It explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.

After watching this video, many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s self-esteem.

​And even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to invest in the relationship.

Click below now to discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.



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