He Stopped Texting Me – What Does It Mean & What To Do?

He stopped texting me! A sentence so simple but yet so painful. A sentence that carries so many lost hopes and dreams. Every girl’s worst nightmare.

You know how it goes.

You are seeing and texting a guy for a while. He replies, you follow up and it seems as if everything is going smoothly.

Then, all of a sudden, everything stops. Last night, you exchanged cute goodnight texts but the next day, he simply didn’t respond to your good morning message.

You keep on staring at your phone screen, waiting for his phone number to pop up. But nothing happens.

A few days pass by and still- nothing. After two weeks or a month, you have no other choice but to admit that he ghosted you.

You’ll survive- you know that. But it’s perfectly natural for you to wonder why he did this.

You talk to your best friend, you rewind your entire conversation back and forth but the answer is nowhere to be found.

Well, that’s because you haven’t run into me before. I won’t just tell you why he stopped texting you all of a sudden- I’ll also give you some dating advice on how to react when this happens.

Not only that: you’ll also learn how to notice all the red flags that a guy might ghost you, so you can run for your life on time. All you have to do is lay back and read on!

What Does It Mean When A Guy Stops Texting?

I’ll be 100% honest with you here: when a guy stops texting you, it usually means he doesn’t care about you. Or at least, he doesn’t care as much as you do. But that’s not the only possible reason for his change of behavior.

Maybe he is insecure or has been too busy lately. Maybe you two don’t want the same things or he is playing games.

The possibilities are endless. That’s why I’m bringing you the list of reasons behind this drop-off, explained in detail.

He is busy

Let’s not jump to conclusions and assume the worst-case scenario right away. I know how most women think: He stopped texting me so it must mean he’s not interested anymore.

I’ll be honest with you- this is a possibility, as well. But it’s not the only option.

For starters, why wouldn’t you give him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe he isn’t trying to ghost you or anything like that- maybe he just doesn’t have the time to text you.

I know what you must think right now: “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way.” But please, keep in mind that the two of you are probably just at the beginning of your romance.

It means that he wants to give you his full attention whenever he’s talking to you. He prefers not to text you at all over starting a conversation and then sending you one-word replies.

If this is the case, you should be happy to have this all-or-nothing kind of guy.

Maybe he stopped texting you because he is super busy at work and he can’t take a break to talk to you.

You don’t need to panic right away but wait until the evening and then see what happens.

If he doesn’t reply after he has got home then you can text him to see what is happening.

I am sure he will have a reason good enough for not contacting you. Instead of asking him what he’s been up to, give him time to tell you where he’s been on his own.

This way, you won’t get perceived as too pushy. On the upside, he’ll think that you weren’t worried about him ghosting you. It will show him that you don’t need him.

And if he already showed you that he likes you, you don’t have anything to worry about.

Is he lying to you?

The ultimate question: how can you know if he’s lying to you? He’ll come back into your life- there is no doubt about that.

And he’ll tell you he’s been busy. But how do you know if he’s being honest or just using this as an excuse?

The best way to get to the bottom of things is to check his social media activity. If a guy doesn’t have time to text you, he won’t have time to like other girls’ photos or to post a bunch of stories either.

On the other hand, if he’s been active on his social media accounts- he hasn’t been busy- he just chose not to text you.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

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Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

He Stopped Texting Me- What Should I Do?

Now that you’ve found out all the possible reasons for this guy’s disappearance, you’re probably wondering what you should do about it.

Should you text him? Or is ignoring him a better idea?

Just follow this step-by-step guide and I assure you that you’ll make all the right moves.

Don’t keep on texting him

I know that you have the urge to contact him. If it were up to you, you would double or triple text him. You want answers so you’re ready to write him an essay long text, asking for an explanation.

That would be the worst mistake you could make! Resist this urge ASAP.

I don’t care how you’ll do it but you MUST do it, this way or another. Put your phone down, give it to your best friend or keep yourself busy- whatever it takes.

If it’s necessary, picture him laughing at how pathetic you are every time you think about sending him a message. Picture him blocking your phone number because you’re too annoying.

I’m not saying that this will happen- I just want you to use this scenario as a distraction from contacting him in any way.

Don’t blame yourself

The next step is getting rid of guilt. Even if you did something to chase him away, ghosting is never the answer.

He is the only one guilty of this situation. No matter what happened, he should have gotten the courage to talk to you and to end things like a real man.

So please, stop trying to justify his immature behavior. There is no excuse for this cowardly act!

Give him some space

Not texting your man won’t be enough. Instead, you should go no contact completely. Give him some space and a chance to miss you.

It would be great if you could downsize your social media activity. Let him wonder where you are and what you’ve been up to.

Don’t talk to your mutual friends about him. Don’t ask them if they’ve heard from him.

Don’t show up at places where you could run into him. Disappear from his life the same way he disappeared from your inbox!

Focus on your life

The most important thing here is to put yourself in the first place. Instead of spending your days crying over this jerk, start working on yourself.

I know that this isn’t easy but please, do your best to stop thinking about him.

Try chatting with some other guys, find a way to keep yourself busy, hang out with friends, start binge-watching a new TV show; do whatever it takes to keep your mind off him.

In the meantime, make yourself happy. Trust me- he’ll reappear the moment you forget about him.

Ask him for an explanation

If you’re still so eager to get an explanation, just ask him. Don’t talk about your heartbreak and don’t act like him ghosting you was the end of the world.

Try to sound as casual as possible. Just tell him upfront that you were wondering why he disappeared like that the last time. Ask him if everything is okay.

But please, don’t let him play you for a fool. Make it clear that you’re not buying his lies and that you want the truth.

Final Thoughts

I know what you must think right now: all of this is much easier said than done. Well, let me tell you a little secret: once upon a time, I was in a similar situation.

I was talking to this guy for a while and then he stopped texting me out of nowhere. I was heartbroken.

I wondered what I did wrong and why I wasn’t enough. Having someone tell me everything I just told you would help me alot.

Please, always be aware of your worth and never run after someone who doesn’t want you. Good luck!

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