How To Love Your Husband: 6 Ways To Show Him You Care

In any marriage, one of the most important things you should always be mindful of is making sure that your spouse knows that you love him.

No matter what.

We all have our own ways to express the love we feel for our spouses, and honestly, there isn’t a wrong way to love.

We all just do our best, and pray it’s enough.

Marriage is hard work, and it’s not always going to be fun in the sun, so knowing how to love your husband through those darker days is vital for your relationship.

There will always be people telling you how to do things, but you should always follow your gut and do what feels right for you.

All else is nothing but white noise.

After all, you are the one in that marriage, and you are the one going through all of its ups and downs, so nobody can actually know what works best for you and your husband but you two!

That feeling of pure love should always come from that genuine place inside you.

You should never have to force it. It has to come naturally to you, otherwise it’s going to become toxic and eat away at your relationship.

When it comes to my marriage, the only person I listen to is myself.

My husband and I have gone through a lot together, and nobody knows him the way I do, so I always trust that gut feeling and let it guide me.

I know firsthand how challenging marriage can be.

You have this person by your side that goes through life with you, and at times, it’s the most reassuring feeling in the world… and yet sometimes, you feel so suffocated.

If I’ve learned anything through the past few years… it’s that love isn’t always enough.

You can love the shit out of your husband, but without some sacrifice, effort, and forgiveness, it will never go the distance.

So keep on reading and find out how to love your husband in a way that is going to make him feel like the luckiest dude on the plant for having you as his wife!

1. Aim to be kind even on the days when it doesn’t come easy to you

This is a tough one. There will be days when you won’t be able to look at your husband.

Sure, you love him, but sometimes, it’s going to be so hard that you’ll just want to scream in his face and leave for the day.

And on those types of days, train yourself to stay as calm as you can, and find a kind thought in your head.

That is the ultimate sign of true love.

When you can find a kind word to say even on days you really don’t want to, you know you really love that person.

Even if your bad mood has nothing to do with him.

You could be having a rough day at work, or you’ll be fighting with your mom—whatever it is, don’t take it out on him.

If you don’t feel like talking, that’s fine. Just don’t lash out at your husband because when you cool off, you will feel badly about it without a doubt.

Practice kindness as often as you can, no matter what you’re going through, and one day it will become easier dealing with tough shit.

Your perspective will become much healthier, and your relationship won’t suffer.

2. Give him an opportunity to be alone with his thoughts when you feel like he needs space

I used to bombard my husband on a daily basis with a bunch of ideas, gossip, and all things that I cared about (mostly girl-related stuff) because I felt he signed up for that, and he should be able to listen to me whenever I felt like it.

But then I realized one thing. Every single person on this planet deserves their space and some alone time. My husband was no exception.

I know that I don’t feel like listening to him go on and on about his fantasy football league and a bunch of guy stuff I don’t really care for, so why should I bother him with stuff I can easily talk to my besties about?

I get intense, and I can be a lot—I admit that.

And it’s not fair to expect my husband to put up with that and not consider how he is feeling at that moment if I’m being too much.

Husbands need their space, too! They don’t have to listen to us whenever we want them to because they deserve a break just as much as we do.

So don’t get too intense with him and expect him to be all ears 24/7.

Give him some space without making him feel guilty. He is completely entitled to it.

3. Find a hobby that you can both enjoy equally as a couple

Nothing will bring you closer as a couple than doing couple stuff! Find a hobby that you feel you’ll both be able to enjoy, and give it a whirl!

If there’s a sport he’s really into, try it out with him. If he’s a fitness freak, go to the gym with him, and let him be your gym buddy.

He will encourage you and motivate you like nobody else could.

The point is to find something that you will do together on a regular basis, and therefore spend quality time together while doing something that you either both enjoy or that is really healthy for you!

If you decide on a sport that he loves, he will really appreciate your effort and show you his gratitude for being so thoughtful and considerate.

This is the best way to show you husband you love him and feel that connection more than ever before.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

Here's Something Special For You…

Many Women Want to Make Their Man Feel Loved

But a woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.

​How do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?

​To dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.

It explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.

After watching this video, many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s self-esteem.

​And even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to invest in the relationship.

Click below now to discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

4. Make him feel like you are his safe harbor where he can go and feel secure

The best way to love your husband is by being his safe place and his sanctuary.  

Be the one he goes to when the world becomes too much to handle.

Let him know that he can come to you and feel valued, loved, and understood.

Be his best friend and his rock. Never make him feel like he can’t come to you when he’s feeling down.

The entire idea of marriage is a partnership throughout a lifetime. That includes good days as well as bad ones.

You can’t pick and choose when it’s convenient for you to be there.

You have be his partner no matter what happens. For as long as he’s a good husband to you, be an even better wife to him.

Men are not as open with their emotions as women are, so recognize when he’s feeling like crap, and come to him with a kind word and a reassuring hug. He will love you all the more for it.

5. Never forget about the importance of laughing together

It’s not just a saying, laughter really is the best medicine. And when it’s with somebody you love, it’s that much more meaningful.

Make sure that you and your husband never forget to laugh together.

Take a break from a long, tiring day, and enjoy a fun activity that will make you laugh your asses off.

Don’t take life too seriously. No matter what’s going on in your life, forget about it for a few hours.

Go watch a movie you know always makes you laugh. Enjoy it without a single worry on your mind.

Simply focus on having a good time with your man, and remember why you married him in the first place.

Talk about the hilarious memories you two share, remind yourselves of the embarrassing things that happened on a trip you took, and relive them by laughing until your stomachs hurt.

Those things are what you will hold onto when things aren’t as fun.

And when the going gets tough, you will always remember how good you have it together, as well as be reminded of the love your share, and to never take each other for granted.

6. Appreciate all the little things he does for you on a daily basis

As I’ve already mentioned, the little things always go a long way.

So if your husband does things for you on a daily basis that may go unnoticed, make sure you notice them!

Appreciation is extremely important in a marriage.

Does your husband let you sleep in a bit longer on weekends and feed the baby or make you breakfast in bed?

Does he pick up the kids after work so you can go straight home and relax alone for a bit?

Does he listen to your business propositions and give you solid advice whenever you need it?

Thank him and appreciate him!

It’s not easy taking on the workload of the household as well as maintaining your own identity and making it work as an individual.

Appreciate your husband when he makes an effort to make your life easier in any way!

Think about the last time he did a kind, selfless gesture that went unnoticed, and thank him for it.

Make him see that you do indeed see everything he does, and you appreciate it even though you may not always say it at the time.

Trust me—it will go a long way.

Here's Something Special For You…

Many Women Want to Make Their Man Feel Loved

But a woman’s idea of loving communication is very different than a man’s.

​How do you communicate your true feelings to a man? And why are men so sensitive to tiny signals about where you rank him compared with other men?

​To dive a little deeper into that particular question, I put together a video presentation on the topic.

It explains the most powerful signals you can use to grab a man’s attention.

After watching this video, many women are surprised to learn how much control they have over a man’s self-esteem.

​And even more surprised by how easy it is to make someone cherish you and want to invest in the relationship.

Click below now to discover an unfair advantage with men. Help him to finally see you as the one.


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