My Husband Is Mean To Me And It’s Slowly Ruining Our Marriage

“My husband is mean to me” is, unfortunately, a sentence we hear so often these days. Nothing hurts more than being disrespected and mistreated by the person you love and care for the most.

Those feelings are so known to me. I went through all of it already. I was constantly asking myself why my husband was so mean and disrespectful to me.

And you know what? No matter what I did or how much I tried, I really couldn’t find the right answer. I couldn’t understand how that good man I married had turned into such a toxic and bitter person.

I know I wasn’t always the perfect wife. I have my flaws just like all human beings do but I really tried hard to be a better spouse every single day and to make him happy.

I really tried hard to save our marriage and fortunately, my efforts paid off in the end. We went through that crisis, learned our lessons from it and left it all in the past. We’re still happily married.

You know, the worst thing is that you actually start believing in all those mean things he is telling you every day.

You start thinking about how the real problem might be you. It all just makes you feel like you’re unworthy of love.

In the beginning, you are in the process of denial. Even though you’re aware of the fact that he doesn’t treat you well, you deny it because you don’t want to admit it and you’re afraid of ruining your marriage.

Then, you start comforting yourself with how it’s all a phase, one little crisis you have to go through to strengthen the bond between you and how it’ll all pass very soon.

You just keep quiet to all of his insults because you think that your love is going to make him change.

You constantly feel like it’s all a bad dream and how you’re going to wake up soon and find your good man, the man lying next to you, whom you fell in love with and married,.

In the end, you don’t have any other option than to accept that something has changed, that your husband has changed.

You’re aware that you must act fast and try to fix your marriage while you still have time.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

Here's Something Special For You…

If you’ve been through a breakup recently--

Or if your man seems to be drifting further away each day...

Then it’s time to pull out all the stops.

Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing your man can hear that will change his mind and heart.

And once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message...

It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you...

And even begging to be with you. So Click Below And Discover The Secret Now Before It’s too late

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

Why is my husband so mean to me? 5 possible reasons

The thing I could never understand was why my husband was so mean and disrespectful to me and nice to everyone else. Seeing him act nice with everyone else but me was indeed breaking my heart.

Before dealing with your husband’s anger, you have to understand the reason why he is angry and being disrespectful to you all of a sudden. Here are some possible causes for his angry outbursts.

The love he once felt for you is fading away

We can’t say that your husband never did love you. He probably did because he married you but there is a possibility that his feelings might have changed.

It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you at all anymore, it just means that he doesn’t love you the same way he did at the beginning of your relationship.

There is definitely something different with his emotions. If he really loved you like he did before, he would never be mean and hurt your feelings with his disrespectful behavior.

He doesn’t care for you at all

If he keeps mistreating you and keeps saying mean things on a daily basis, there is only one conclusion for that behavior. He doesn’t care for you, nor did he ever.

Accept the truth. This is not just one of those little marriage problems. This is huge and it won’t pass just like that. Time won’t help you to ease the pain of being mistreated, nor will your love.

How to live a happy life with a man who is constantly mean to you and hurts your feelings every day, not even thinking about how you might feel later?

If you think there is even a little hope to fight for your marriage, I say go for it.

But the best thing would probably be to leave the man who doesn’t care about your feelings or your well-being. To leave the man who doesn’t love or deserve you.

He has anger issues

Is your man always up for a fight? Does he blow up at the smallest things? Does he always try to avoid talking about his angry outbursts once he’s cooled down?

If your answers to all of these questions are affirmative, you’re probably dealing with a man who has anger issues, even though he won’t admit it, of course.

Those issues won’t pass with time if you don’t deal with them together.

Actually, anger is very contagious and it’s very easy to create a habit out of it, a habit to be angry most of the time, without any reason.

You must handle those issues and talk to your partner about them because it may have so many negative effects on your marriage and family. If one partner has anger issues, it leads to a toxic and abusive relationship.

He’s just selfish

This is probably the best and only correct answer. He’s definitely selfish because he doesn’t care how you’ll feel when he hurts you with his mean behavior.

I know it’s difficult to accept but it’s absolutely true. Why can’t you get your revenge or do such things he did to you to hurt your feelings? Precisely because of that, not to hurt someone’s feelings.

Maybe he’s even being unfaithful to you

One of the possible causes of his disrespectful behavior may also be his infidelity. Maybe he isn’t brave enough to tell you the truth.

He probably doesn’t have the guts to tell you how things really are and he actually wants to make you end your marriage by being mean to you.

You’re married so you’re in a long-term relationship with your partner, so you know him well. Do you find anything awkward in his behavior, any signs that may tell you that your partner is being unfaithful to you?

Is he being overprotective of his cell phone lately, does he get angry and mean to you every time you take his phone or have you noticed any changes on his social media that were strange to you?

If you have any reasons to doubt his fidelity, look for those little things that might be evidence that your partner is cheating on you.

Here's Something Special For You…

If you’ve been through a breakup recently--

Or if your man seems to be drifting further away each day...

Then it’s time to pull out all the stops.

Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing your man can hear that will change his mind and heart.

And once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message...

It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you...

And even begging to be with you. So Click Below And Discover The Secret Now Before It’s too late



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