6 Do’s And Don’ts Of Ignoring Your Spouse During Separation

You’ve filed for divorce, and you’re probably asking yourself, “what should I do now?” To be honest, I’ve got to tell you that a difficult period is ahead of you no matter what you choose to do.

However, ignoring your spouse during your separation is probably the best way to deal with it.

I know you’re now asking how to do it and if it’s even possible to ignore someone after many years of marriage. How do you ignore someone who was such a great part of your life for so long?

This will be especially difficult if children are involved. It’ll be impossible to completely ignore your spouse if you have kids together because you’ll have to communicate about them, at least.

However, even that communication should be kept to a minimum. You should only discuss important things related to your kids; everything else should be ignored.

Believe me, even though this technique seems very difficult right now, it will help you get through this process as fast and as painlessly as possible.

Ignoring your spouse during your separation — My own experience

Let me tell you my story. I was in a loving relationship with my partner for three years before we decided to get married.

We were married for three more years. So, I’d spent six years with him, and I suppose that’s enough time to know someone, right?

Well, to be honest, I think that even a lifetime isn’t enough to know someone entirely because I’ve been living with myself for more than thirty years, and I still manage to surprise myself with some of my decisions and actions.

However, I did know him enough to realize when he was lying. I also knew our relationship well enough to tell when something was off between us.

For the first two years of our marriage, we were one of those happily married couples that seem like there is nothing or no person that could ever stand between them or damage/ruin their marriage.

Then we had our baby boy, and just like that, everything changed. I noticed that my husband had changed and that we were growing apart.

I was aware that his feelings had changed, and every time I confronted him about it, he would deny it all.

He didn’t know how to communicate in a healthy way, which is one way men destroy their marriages. I felt like I was living with a roommate or someone I hardly knew for that last year of our marriage.

To cut this long story short, he didn’t want to get a divorce even though he was aware that we no longer loved each other.

Somehow, he managed to convince me that we should go to couples counseling and try to make our marriage work.

I accepted, even though I was aware that we were in a loveless marriage beyond saving. Of course, all of that didn’t help us reconnect again, and to be honest, I didn’t want to get my husband back.

Then, I filed for divorce and decided to ignore him completely during the separation process. And to be honest, that helped us both and made things a lot easier for both of us.

We both knew that divorce would be difficult, but we were aware that sometimes it’s better to do it than stay in an unhappy marriage.

Now that it’s all behind us, we have a really good relationship, and the most important thing is that we both take care of our son, because that’s truly the most important thing.

The dos and don’ts of ignoring your spouse during your separation

Whether you’re ignoring your spouse during your separation because you want it all to end as quickly and painlessly as possible, or it’s just how you cope with your feelings, these dos and don’ts will help you to achieve the goal you want.

If you’re ignoring your spouse because you think it’s the best to make them realize that it’s their loss and somehow get your wife/husband back, these dos and don’ts may help you with that, but I would advise you not to do it.

It’s not worth it. They’re not worthy of you nor your precious time. If someone is so blind and isn’t able to see your worth, there is no point in trying to get them to see it.

DO believe in the power of the no contact rule

I think one of the best techniques to deal with any kind of breakup for both partners is his majesty, the no contact rule.

Because for as long as you stay in touch with someone, you won’t be able to break up with that person for good.

​​​​I know it’ll be difficult. You were sure that this person was your soulmate and that you’d stay together forever. You spent so much time with them, and they’re still a huge part of your own life.

You got used to them. You got used to waking up next to them every morning and snuggling with them in bed every night. You got used to seeing them and talking to them every single day.

Now, all of a sudden, all of that must stop. You can’t see them, nor can you call them just to hear their voice. I just want to prepare you; this will be a difficult task.

How do you ignore and avoid a person who was your other half for such a long time, right? However, the no contact rule only lasts 30 days, and after that, you can stop avoiding your soon-to-be-ex-spouse.

I know what you’ll now be saying, “It’ll be 30 days of hell.” Hmm, probably, but just know that this rule is so powerful that it’ll make everything so much easier for you.

Surprisingly, the last few days of the no contact rule month will be awful. The last one will probably be the worst, but you’ll see that everything will be so much clearer and easier for you the next day.

However, if you endure it all and manage not to be in contact with your spouse at all, you’ll make the separation process a whole lot easier, both for you and your spouse.

There are indeed so many benefits of the no contact rule.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

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If you’ve been through a breakup recently--

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Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing your man can hear that will change his mind and heart.

And once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message...

It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you...

And even begging to be with you. So Click Below And Discover The Secret Now Before It’s too late

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

DON’T answer their phone calls

I know this sounds like a challenging thing to do, especially if you still have feelings for your spouse. Even if you don’t, you probably still respect them and don’t want to make them suffer.

This is for the best, trust me. If you still keep in contact with your spouse, it will only make things even more complicated.

You’ll remind each other of all the things you went through together, and then it’ll be even harder for you to end things with them for good.

On the other hand, you may also end up discussing some of your unresolved marriage problems and disagreements and make this situation a whole lot worse for both of you.

I’m sure that’s the last thing you need right now.

There will be days when you’ll be thinking, “Oh, god, should I text her/him just to see how they are?” But you have to ignore it all.

Even if your spouse doesn’t reach out and you really want to know how they feel, consider it as you being forbidden to initiate contact.

To cut a long story short, when you hear your phone beeping and you see their name on the screen of your phone, just delete their text message without even looking at what they’ve written.

DO talk with them if it’s an emergency

Let’s be honest. There is no such thing as an easy or painless breakup.

Separating from someone you’ve spent a long period of time with is always difficult, no matter who initiated the breakup or what the reason for it was.

You need to be prepared that the divorce process will be difficult, painful, and emotionally draining for both you and your soon-to-be-ex-husband/wife.

If you were the one who initiated the breakup, your spouse will most surely have a hard time accepting the fact that you’re going your separate ways after so many years of marriage.

They will probably reach out and ask you to talk and work things out. They may even suggest marriage counseling to help you fix your broken marriage.

If you’re completely sure that you’ve made the right decision, even if it hurts to see them suffer, you shouldn’t change your mind.

The truth is that sooner or later, you’ll be divorced. Postponing the divorce won’t make things easier. On the contrary, it may only hurt both of you more.

However, in an emergency, you should answer their calls or reply to their text messages. But you’re ONLY allowed to do that in serious cases of emergency.

This is especially important if you’ve got kids together. Suppose your spouse wants to talk about child support or some other important things regarding your kids.

DON’T do anything that might provoke a reaction from your partner

This is a difficult time in your life. You must think well and hard about every step you take.

Your goal is to end the divorce process as soon as possible, not hurt your spouse’s feelings by provoking them and then ignoring their reaction, right?

Even if you’ve immediately found someone new, and you have every right to do so, you shouldn’t jump into a relationship with that person right away.

That’s something that will definitely provoke a reaction from your spouse. It might piss them off because they may think it’s the reason you wanted to divorce in the first place.

Also, don’t ever flirt with someone else in front of your soon-to-be-ex-husband/wife. It’s really awful, and it’ll definitely make them change their opinion of you or provoke an even worse reaction from their side.

DO hang out with the friends you have in common

If you’re ignoring your spouse during the separation, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hang out with the friends you have in common. It’s not fair to them because they aren’t guilty of your separation.

That way, you may lose some great friends, people who were always there for you and who honestly care for you.

Of course, sometimes they might invite both you and your spouse to a gathering where it’ll be impossible to avoid your partner.

They’ll probably try to avoid it initially, at least until the divorce process concludes because they won’t want to make things more difficult for you.

However, if you find yourself in that situation, you should try to have as little contact with your spouse as possible.

Don’t ignore them if they ask you something in front of all those people, but keep away from them as much as you can.

If you see that things have become awkward, you should go back home. I’m sure your friends will understand and won’t be mad at you because you’ve left.

DON’T talk to them about your partner or your marriage

Even if you’re on a trial separation with your spouse or started the divorce process, you shouldn’t talk about your spouse or your separation in front of your friends.

Don’t put your best friends in an uncomfortable position. It’s not fair to make them choose sides because it’s something they aren’t okay with.

I’m sure you’ll be able to hang out with them together again after the divorce. Time will pass, and you’ll both move on, and it’ll be a lot easier for both of you to hang out together with your friends.

If your friends initiate the conversation or advise you to try to make your marriage work before you end it forever, you should politely ask them to stay out of it.

Your marriage and your divorce is a private matter, and only you and your spouse have the right to make such important decisions about your marriage.

Others have the right to comment on it and talk about it, but no one has the right to interfere in it.

I’m sure your friends only want what’s best for you and your partner and they can offer their sincere advice, but you two are the only ones who can make the final decision.

Here's Something Special For You…

If you’ve been through a breakup recently--

Or if your man seems to be drifting further away each day...

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Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing your man can hear that will change his mind and heart.

And once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message...

It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you...

And even begging to be with you. So Click Below And Discover The Secret Now Before It’s too late



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