This Is How To Make A Guy Jealous And Want You More

How to make a guy jealous? How to make him bottle up his emotions until he explodes and make him want you even more? This is the question all of us women have asked at least once in a lifetime.

So, you’ve tried everything, but somehow your guy is not responding to your actions. You hate to be doing this but he’s left you with no other choice- you have to make him worry about losing you.

He doesn’t give you enough attention, thus making you worry whether something’s wrong in your relationship. Or maybe he is jealous but hiding it?

Or you’ve just met a guy, and he’s been acting distant all of a sudden. You want to redirect his thoughts to you, make him notice you more, and make him want you more.

Well, that’s exactly what brought you here. You’re figuring out how to make a guy jealous and I’m about to help you do exactly that.

How To Make A Guy Jealous In 5 Surefire Ways

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, right? Having this in mind, you’ll probably think that guys are these extraterrestrial creatures you know nothing about.

Nevertheless, the truth is quite different. Both us and they actually function similarly, especially when it comes to romances.

What does that mean for you? What I’m trying to tell you is that in most cases, your guy will be triggered by the same things that would also bother you.

So, whenever you’re clueless about what to do next, just ask yourself what would make you jealous? What should he do to make you hopping mad?

Well, just do that exact thing.

Relationship experts reveal 5 magic tricks to make every man go crazy jealous. Here they are.

Go out with your friends

Guys feel very insecure when girls go out without them. There is that constant feeling another guy will hit on her and that she will be drunk enough to cheat.

So, if you want to make your man jealous, put on the sexiest dress that you have, apply some heavy make-up, and create a nice hairstyle.

When he sees that you are dressed to kill, he will lose his mind, and he won’t be able to stand that other guys will have a chance to see you like that.

It will turn him into a jealous monster, and he won’t be able to sleep until you come home. You see how a little bit of effort shakes his world, right?

Whenever he thinks about your girls night in the club, the first thing that will come to his mind is a lot of guys approaching you and asking for your numbers. In that kind of situation, it’s inevitable for you to talk to other guys.

And that realization alone is enough to make your guy eat himself alive.

‘Accidentally’ touch another man

If you are sitting with your guy friends and your man, try to make him jealous by the way that you touch another man and laugh at his jokes all the time. Turn your flirty mode on and let him see it.

It will make your man feel possessive, but on the other hand, you will get what you want.

Guys are really sensitive when it comes to this. When something like this happens, they turn into wild beasts whose territory is endangered.

When someone touches their woman or she touches another man, they instantly get overly protective because they have the urge to eliminate all of the “enemies” around them.

Sadly, the majority of them become overly protective only when they are forced to, so ‘accidentally’ touching another man is a great way to get your man to be envious and make him think twice about mistreating you again.

Before Continuing I Want To Show You Something

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Here’s a video you won’t want to miss that shows you how to become your man’s deepest obsession:

Don’t Forget To Watch This Special Video

Now Lets Continue To Our Topic… 

Show him that you don’t need him

Guys really like to help their partners because when they do that, it makes them feel masculine and useful. But for a change, don’t ask your guy for any help.

Get a male friend to give you a hand instead; let him help you to move from one place to another, for example.

And when you finish with that, tell your man that you had a great time with your male friend in your new apartment.

I am sure that he will immediately have an image in his head of a sweaty and muscular guy helping you to move your furniture. That image will make him so jealous, and he will feel sorry for not offering you his help.

Show your man that you’re a strong woman. You don’t have to necessarily hide your emotions but make it clear that you won’t put up with everything just because you love him.

Let him know that you don’t need him- you want him. And it’s up to him whether he’ll deserve a place in your life or not.

Compliment his best male friend

Every relationship expert will tell you the same: men’s ego is the most fragile thing in the world. If you try to break it, it will hurt him more than breaking his heart.

Even though I’m not advising you to shatter his ego completely, I will teach you how to play with it in order to get what you want.

You don’t have to actually be in a committed relationship with a man for him to consider you “his”. This is especially true when it comes to his friends.

Even though you two are not an official couple, believe me, all of his friends know you’re off the table. When it comes to you, he is the alpha male and the only one who is “entitled” to you.

Well, it’s time to shake him a little bit. Let him worry about his position by complimenting his best friend.

You don’t have to anything specific- it’s like you’ll start making out with his BFF. You won’t cross the line but you’ll do enough to make your guy wonder.

If you give more attention to his best male friend or your guy best friend than to him, he will get extremely jealous.

He will want to know why you are acting like that and why he is not enough for you. But don’t bother trying to understand his feelings because he hasn’t done that for you.

Just continue with your mind games and give him a dose of the pain that he deserves.

It will make him think about you more and about what you bring to the table, and he won’t take you for granted anymore.

Look your best

Whatever you’re doing, the important thing is to look your best while you’re doing it. If you grieve over the loss of your ex-boyfriend, I know that you’re depressed, and dressing up is the last thing on your mind.

But that’s exactly what you must do if you’re wondering how to make a boy jealous. He has to see what he’s lost if you want to get some reaction.

Whether we admit it or not, the truth is that guys are visual creatures. I don’t care how much he loves you- the important thing is for him to drool every time he sees you.

This doesn’t only go for making your ex-boyfriend jealous- this is the tactic you should use when it comes to all men.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you should reveal too much. Don’t dress too vulgarly but put focus on your attributes.

Don’t Forget To Watch This Special Video


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